21 year old female
A 21 year old female home maker by occupation came to the casualty with chief complaints of fever since 4 days and vomitings since yesterday. History of present illness : patient was apparently asymptotic 4 days back then she developed fever - high grade , a/w chills Vomitings since yesterday, 2 episodes non bilious and subsided Abdominal distension since 4 days No h/o hematuria, Malena No h/o chest pain , sob ,palpitations Past history : No h/o HTN, DM, TB , Asthama Personal history : Married Appetite:normal Diet :veg B/B: regular /normal No addictions Family history : NAD General examination: PICCLE :- ve Temp :98.4•F PR:56bpm RR:22/min BP: 100/70mmhg Spo2:98% GRBS:140mg% Systemic examination: CVS:s1,s2 +, murmurs - Respiratory system: BAE+,NVBS - Abdomen : soft , non tender , bowel sounds + CNS:NAD Provisional diagnosis : viral ...