
Showing posts from June, 2021

G.Preethi , 1601006057, roll no :50

 56Y old female came to OP with chief complaints of  fever since 1 month  B/L swelling of lower limb since 1month   Loss of apetite since 20 day Generalised weaknesa since 20 days Vomitings since 3 daysdays History of present illness :  - Fever was high grade, intermittent not associated with chills and rigors , cold and cough. - Associated with decreased apetite and generalised weakness, burning micturation was on and off and associated with suprapubic pain - Swelling of lower limbs was on and off since 2 years and not associated with SOB, palpatations, decreased urine output, facial puffiness - on presentation pedal edema was not seen.                                                                     patient denied the history of usage of Nsaids . Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 ...